Psychotherapy for Individuals & Couples in New York City

Work With Avi

Information on what to expect when starting individual or couples therapy with Avi.

Individual Therapy, Couples Counseling, Workshops


Individual Therapy

Although I have training in a wide range of modalities, I think of myself first and foremost as an AEDP practitioner. AEDP is a psychotherapy practice that is both holistic and integrative. What does that mean? By holistic, I mean that it attempts to consider the whole person: your heart, your mind, your body, your experience, your environment, etc. Together, we can appreciate each of these distinct parts and see them as pathways to healing and growth. AEDP is also integrative in that it integrates a variety of perspectives with traditional psychodynamic

Couples Therapy / Marital CounselinG

When kinds of qualities make the difference between effective and ineffective couples counseling? When a new couple enters my office, they often express a wish for someone impartial who will listen to their disagreements, in the hopes that I might be able to help them reach some kind of compromise. Sometimes they want to learn better communication skills. Both are worthy goals, but any couples therapy that focuses on that does a disservice to the couple. The practice of Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples suggests a different route: communication and compromise become 


More info coming soon!

Sign up on the mailing list to receive notifications in the future about Avi's workshops. If you're interested in setting up a workshop at your space, please get in touch. Topics include: Strengthening your relationship in early parenthood, Embodied Fatherhood and Masculinity in the 21st Century.




psychotherapy: interpersonal neurobiology, attachment theory, emotion theory and affective neuroscience, body-focused approaches and the study of transformation. Without going into too much detail about all of these disciplines, I would emphasize that two of the qualities that makes AEDP unique are: 1. The focus on underlying root causes rather than symptom management and 2. the emphasis on positive growth and healing that can emerge from doing this deep work. Indeed, many of my clients report feeling lighter, more energized and hopeful after their work with me. 


easy when you add one missing ingredient: a secure, loving and responsive connection between partners. The work of therapy is to rekindle that connection.

The problem is, we often get lost in cycles that make it harder to reconnect. Most couples let out a knowing laugh when I start to explain how partners slip into predictable roles. Often one person is a pursuer, always chasing after partner through demands or criticism, while the other person occupies the role of distancer, avoiding 









The last important aspect I would emphasize is that the A in AEDP stands for accelerated. The goal is to move as quickly as is comfortable for you to make meaningful change. My goal is not for you to be in therapy one day longer than you need to be. New Yorkers are busy people and I value your time and the intention brought to therapy.We can work together to make lasting change as quickly and effectively as possible. 



confrontation, minimizing the issue. This distance, of course, only enrages the pursuer who tries harder to get their point across, which inevitably results in more of the same from the distancer. Couples, understandably, make the mistake of thinking the solutions to this pattern is to resolve the issue at hand. But that only strengthens its hold. What's important to recognize is that beneath that pattern lies deeper fears of rejection, abandonment or unworthiness that ultimately need attending to. When you have a secure partnership, compromise and communication become easy.